09/26/2022 Alarming excess mortality, sudden deaths: We demand that the judiciary fulfill its legal obligations to investigate unusual deaths. The population has a right to a complete investigation. If this should substantiate the suspicion of a causal connection with the novel mRNA vaccines, further legal steps must be taken immediately. The call for more autopsies was sent to all police commands and all senior public prosecutors in Switzerland on September 22, 2022.

DE – Medienmitteilung

DE – Aufruf zu mehr Obduktionen

FR – Communiqué de presse

IT - Comunicato stampa

Publication of the call at ALETHEIA

EN - https://www.aletheia-scimed.ch/de/medienmitteilung-mehr-obduktionen-zur-aufklaerung-von-todesfaellen/

FR - https://www.aletheia-scimed.ch/fr/communique-de-presse-plus-dautopsies-pour-elucider-les-deces/

IT - https://www.aletheia-scimed.ch/it/comunicato-stampa-piu-autopsie-per-risolvere-i-casi-di-morte/
