08/27/2023 Federal intelligence agency refuses to answer questions about surveillance of civil rights movement

It is not only since the "Corona measures" that it has become known that the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) seems not to have learned anything from the Fichen scandal and continues to collect data on undesirable groups on a grand scale.
The core tasks of the FIS would actually be the early detection and combating of terrorism, violent extremism, espionage, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their carrier technology, and cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.

No one needs to understand that increasingly aggressive and violent groups such as the "Last Generation" or the "Extinction Rebellion" should not fall under the heading of "monothematic extremism. International networking, non-transparent financing or even increasing willingness to use violence with the acceptance of the loss of human life should in principle at least be a reason for a mention in a security report by the FIS. The question must be allowed, however, whether groups that are undoubtedly violent and commit illegal acts should be protected as long as their actions are politically desired.

On the other hand, under the elastic term "corona extremism" (sic), unspecified groups are recorded and thus also monitored. These groups are said to have actually brought about 19 violent events in 2022. Whether a shaking of the security fence of the Bundeshaus falls under it, remains open. At best, the ringing of cowbells could also be classified as a violent event. Based on these facts, an inquiry was sent to the FIS by registered mail. As expected, the answer was not forthcoming by 27.8.2023.

HERE to the letter of May 16, 2023
