A trip to Bern has recently become a safety issue
The Freiheitstrychler were last Monday with several vehicles on the way to Bern. The Aargau cantonal police were already on the scene at the Würenlos freeway service station assembly point with a police vehicle bearing a sign, which then accompanied the Freedom Strychlers' vehicles for a while in the direction of Bern. This indicates a cross-cantonal action.
On the A1, Bern lane, at the Niederbipp/Huttwil entrance, a police vehicle with a sign could be seen at first, which was monitoring the traffic in the restricted area. Presumably it was an outpost. Shortly thereafter, at around 3:15 p.m., the Freiheitstrychler were ordered to stop at the Grauholz freeway service area by a civilian police vehicle belonging to the Bernese cantonal police. The occupants were then subjected to a personal and vehicle check by cantonal police officers. The reason given was "disturbance of public safety and order". The vehicles had "demonstration character". Subsequently, two passenger car trailers of the Freiheitstrychler were seized. The contents: several yokes, trycheln and three Swiss flags. The release of the seized trailers was announced for Wednesday.
The question must be asked on what legal basis the two-day seizure took place and why the retention of the Pw trailers lasted so long. A seized object must be returned to the entitled person as soon as the conditions for the seizure have ceased to exist.
Are cowbells and Swiss flags aids to crime?
Objects may be seized in order to avert a threat to public safety and order if it can be assumed that the object could be used to commit a criminal act.
Here it would have to be checked whether this is proportionate in the case of trychels and flags of peaceful citizens.
The leadership of the police seems to have directed their action specifically at the freedom trychers. Already on 5.2.2022 a questionable action against the Trychler took place in St. Gallen. Against this background, the question must be asked whether this action was agreed and coordinated on the occasion of the regularly held police commanders' conferences - possibly in accordance with the objectives of the policy.
Other police measures
The Bernese police had closed all Aare bridges to the old town of Bern as well as the area around the train station, which led to considerable traffic obstructions. If those responsible were afraid that here a car train à la Canadian Freedom Convoy could come into the city, the police countermeasures have led to exactly what they apparently wanted to prevent: traffic chaos.
It must be asked, ironically, whether in the future the police will do the same for a honking wedding convoy.
Furthermore - at least partially documented - targeted non-Cantonal license plates were recorded, the corresponding drivers stopped and checked. Several of them subsequently received a verbal ban for the entire city of Bern for 24 hours. This, although it was partly demanded, without any writing. One affected person reported Wir für Euch that this had been done to him on the grounds that it was very likely that he belonged to the "convoy" because of his non-Cantonal license plates.
It is questionable what other purpose the recording of noncantonal license plates should serve and how this data is used and stored. It is also questionable whether driving to Bern in a vehicle registered outside the canton is now already considered a suspicion of participation in a possible demonstration - in the sense of abandoning the presumption of innocence. The Fichenskandal from 1989 already seems to have been forgotten.
Under no circumstances should it become common practice to exaggerate problems that can be easily handled by the police, such as the ringing of cowbells in cowls, in order to justify drastic and disproportionate measures. By disregarding the principles of police action, the credibility and the high reputation of the Swiss police is damaged.